19 research outputs found


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    Terdapat 2 tertib peraturan perundang-undangan yaitu tertib dasar peraturan perundangundangan dan tertib pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan. Praktik sistem perundangundangan Indonesia pasca diberlakukannya UU 12/2011 menunjukkan permasalahan pada tertib dasar perundang-undangan yaitu kurang terkontrolnya jenis peraturan yang dapat digolongkan sebagai peraturan perundang-undangan, tidak semua jenis peraturan perundang-undangan jelas letaknya dalam hierarki dan terlalu luasnya materi muatan serta kesamaan materi muatan antar peraturan perundang-undangan. Upaya mewujudkan tertib peraturan perundang-undangan dapat dilakukan dengan mengeluarkan jenis peraturan lembaga yang tidak berkategori sebagai peraturan perundang-undangan, meletakkan setiap jenis peraturan perundang-undangan dalam hierarki, dan pengetatan suatu materi muatan yang dapat diatur dengan peraturan perundangundangan, serta melakukan pembedaan secara jelas materi muatan tiap jenis peraturan perundang-undangan

    Telaah Peran Partai Politik untuk Mewujudkan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang Berdasarkan Pancasila

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    Penerapan Pancasila sebagai cita hukum bangsa Indonesia dan sekaligus sumber segala sumber hukum negara masih menghadapi sejumlah permasalahan salah satunya kemauan politik pembentuk peraturan perundang-undangan yang merupakan anggota Partai politik. Akibat pembentukan yang tidak bersumber pada Pancasila maka peraturan perundang-undangan yang diberlakukan di pusat maupun daerah menimbulkan permasalahan. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam tulisan ini mengenai cara meningkatkan peran partai politik untuk mewujudkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berdasarkan kepada nilai-nilai Pancasila. Metode pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah dengan pendekatan konseptual, dengan mendasarkan pada kedudukan Pancasila sebagai cita hukum, serta fungsi partai politik dalam negara demokratis. Temuan yang didapat yaitu fungsi legislasi sering dikesampingkan dibanding fungsi pengawasan dan anggaran, politik mayoritas menjadi dasar pemikiran para pembuat peraturan perundang-undangan dan bukan ukuran ideologi atau konstitusional, pragmatisme perekrutan calon anggota parlemen, serta adanya perilaku korupsi legislasi. Untuk meningkatkan peran partai politik mewujudkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berdasarkan pada Pancasila dapat dilakukan dengan cara mewajibkan Parpol di semua tingkatan menyusun desain politik legislasi dalam masa kampanye Pemilu, kepengurusan Parpol dibagi ke dalam 3 (tiga) komponen salah satunya calon anggota lembaga perwakilan, ketegasan Parpol untuk menarik atau mengganti anggotanya di lembaga perwakilan yang lalai dalam menjalankan politik legislasi Pancasila, memasukkan kurikulum pendidikan Pancasila dalam pengkaderan anggota Parpol secara berjenjang dan berkelanjutan, dan negara segera membuat panduan atau pedoman sebagai dokumen resmi dalam menafsirkan dan memahami sila-sila Pancasila.The application of Pancasila as the legal idealsm of the Indonesia and as the source of all legal sources still dealing with some problems, one of which were the political will of laws and regulations maker which are the members of political parties. As a result of the formation that does not originate from Pancasila, the laws and regulations that are enforced at the central and regional levels cause problems. The issues discussed in this paper are about how to increase the role of political parties to refine laws and regulations based on Pancasila values. The method of approach used in this paper is a conceptual approach, based on the standing of the Pancasila as a legal idealism, as well as the function of political parties in a democratic country. The findings obtained are that the legislative function is often ruled out compared to the controlling and budgeting functions, political majorities become the rationale for legislators and not ideological or constitutional measures, pragmatism for recruiting parliament candidates, and the existence of corrupt behaviour in the legislation. To increase the role of political parties in refining laws and regulations based on Pancasila can be done by requiring the political parties at all levels to construct political legislation design in the election campaign period, management of political parties are divided into three (3) components one of which members of the legislature candidate, the firmness of political parties to withdraw or change the members in the legislature that fail to implement the Pancasila political legislation, including the Pancasila education curriculum in the cadre of political party members gradually and continuously, and the state immediately made guidelines as official documents in interpreting and understanding the Pancasila principles

    Omnibus Law in Indonesia: A Comparison to the United States and Ireland

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    Recently, omnibus law has become a critical discourse in Indonesia, both academically and practically. This discourse emerges from the relatively fast drafting and ratification of the Job Creation Law. This law's formation uses the omnibus law method because it contains many laws' substance into one law. One of Indonesia's fundamental issues is the absence of rules, methods, and techniques for forming the omnibus law. On the other hand, the techniques and methods of forming these omnibus laws have been practiced in various countries to accelerate the legislative process and organize regulations. However, public participation becomes one of the fundamental shortcomings to draft the legislation under omnibus law. This article aims to review and compare the omnibus law concept applied in selected countries, referencing the United States and Ireland as the model. This article also analyzes how to form the ideal omnibus law by learning from the omnibus law application in other countries that have successfully implemented it first. This study finds that omnibus laws in the United States and Ireland contribute to ushering hyper-regulation symptoms that are vulnerable and hamper economic development. The above comparison needs to be adjusted to the Indonesian context to enact the omnibus law. KEYWORDS: Omnibus Law, Indonesian Law, Comparative Omnibus Law

    Restorative Justice: Positivization of Customary Law in Resolving Land Disputes Based on Local Wisdom of Papuan Citizens

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    The positivization of customary law is the process of turning the source of customary law into various laws and regulations. The unwritten customary laws are obeyed by the people because they originate from social values and agreements to live together. Settlement of land disputes in communities where customary law is still strong, such as Papua, which is known for its local wisdom, is carried out through its own customary institution. To fulfill the element of justice, the dispute resolution approach is carried out by means of deliberations outside the court or non-litigation dispute resolution based on local wisdom. The overall manifestation of this settlement leads to restorative justice. The statutory approach, the conceptual approach, the socio-legal approach, the comparative approach, and the case approach are used in this research, which is a normative judicial and sociological judicial study. In conclusion, it is stated that the existence of Papuan customary law is based on its own legal ethnography, pluralism in social capabilities such as social structure and culture according to its character, types of customary leadership, and social interaction relations in different traditional economies. Recognition of indigenous Papuans is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, Article 18 B, Paragraph 2; UUPA Articles 3 and 5; and the Papua Special Autonomy Law in Chapter XI concerning Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Provincial Government of Papua is obliged to recognize, respect, protect, empower, and develop the rights of indigenous peoples based on the provisions of applicable laws and regulations. Keywords: positivism, customary law, restorative justice DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/127-01 Publication date: December 31st 202

    The Urgency of Reharmonization in Construction of The Stage Formation of Law

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    Indonesia is a state of law that relies on a rule of law formed as a basic rule in the state and society. The law as the primary basis must be made following the principles of the Formation of good law so that it is expected that later it can be applied and has binding legal force for all levels of society. However, the current situation is far from the expectation of the formation of good law. For example, the Formation of a job creation law which is considered not to involve the community actively, many articles are contrary to legal principles, disharmonized and unsynchronized between law. The formation of law seems in a hurry so there are many errors in writing (typo) and many other things. Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct the stages in making good law. This paper uses normative research with a statutory approach, a comparative approach, and finally concludes with a conceptual approach where concepts that are considered suitable can be applied in Indonesia. This article provides two conclusions. First, the practice of harmonization, synchronization and consolidation of conceptions that have been well implemented but only exist at the planning and drafting stages of the Bill. While after the discussion/mutual agreement (plenary), no further harmonization and synchronization are carried out. Second, the post-discussion (plenary) re-harmonization stage can provide space for the implementation of educational facilities, consultations and publications of pre-validation and enactment of law that will be ratified in the form of meaningful public participatio

    Menimbang Kewenangan DPR dalam Penggunaan Hak Angket Pada Kasus Korupsi KTP Elektornik

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    In Indonesia, the control function of the House of Representatives (DPR) includes interpellation rights, inquiry rights and the right to express opinions. In 2017, the DPR's inquiry rights to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) were considered unconstitutional because the law did not include the KPK as the object of the inquiry mechanism. However, the Constitutional Court (MK) in Decision Number 36 / PUU-XV / 2017 defined KPK as an executive so that this institution can be monitored through the inquiry mechanism. This court's decision, however, contradicts to the four previous decisions which classified KPK as an independent institution. This article examines the validity of the DPR's inquiry rights to the KPK by considering the DPR's inquiry rights as a form of a mechanism for mutual checks and balances to the other state institutions. In practice, there are both formal and material rules that must be fulfilled so that their implementation is legally valid and the DPR's inquiry rights to the KPK in cases of the electronic KTP corruption ignore these conditions. This article recommends that the DPR be careful when using inquiry rights as a monitoring mechanism. Keywords: Inquiry rights, House of Representatives, Corruption Eradication Commissio

    Problems of Disputes/Conflicts over Land Acquisition towards Development for Public Interest in Indonesia

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    The issue that will be discussed in this paper are problems causing disputes/conflicts over land acquisition toward development for the public interest. To address those problems, document and literature search as well as literature review are employed, including the cases of land acquisition that have occurred to be analyzed descriptively to achieve resolution to the problems. The results showed that land acquisition is closely related to eviction, land purchase, compensation, repressive actions of the apparatus, public reluctance to move from the acquired land, and public refusal towards the form and amount of the compensation. The problems due to land acquisition that provokes disputes/conflicts arise from three sources: a substance (in terms of regulations, or biased meaning of public interest), structure (the roles of officials/institutions related to land acquisition), and public. Regarding the fact that the existence of disputes/conflicts over land acquisition is frequently related to the issue of justice and public welfare, therefore, attention and efforts are practically needed to achieve justice and welfare, especially for those whose lands are acquired without ignoring the aspect of legal certainty as a characteristic of state law. Keywords: Land disputes/conflicts, land acquisition, public interest, Indonesia

    Foreign Loan Deviation Parameters from a Criminal Law Perspective

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    Reactions to the effectiveness of foreign loans are both negative and positive. There are initiatives to criminalize governmental financial losses from anomalies in foreign loans. There are elements of criminal behavior that are unique to state financial losses on international loans. Therefore, rules must be established to make behaviors that harm the state's finances when using foreign loans illegal. Through the use of a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and an approach to Constitutional Court Decision Number 37/PUU-XVIII/2020, this research was carried out utilizing a normative juridical methodology. As for this research, the conclusions that can be drawn are: first, losses to state finances incurred on foreign loans can be categorized as a criminal act if they fulfill two elements cumulatively, namely an act against the law (wederrechtelijk) and an abuse of authority. Parameters of irregularities in foreign loans can be carried out using several instruments, including: 1. The legality of authority as stipulated in the provisions of Article 11 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and Article 8 of the State Finance Law; 2. The principles in Article 2 of the Government Regulation concerning Procedures for Procurement of Foreign Loans and Receipt of Grants; and 3. loan planning as contained in the RPPLN, RPJPN, and RPJMN. Second, the idea of negative material law (negative materiele weterrechtelijk) should be incorporated into the idea of criminal acts for irregularities in foreign loans. This is consistent with the idea of breaking the law proposed in the 2023 Criminal Code and accommodates the concept of breaching the negative material law (negative materiele weterrechtelijk), which contains the principle of legality. Keywords: Foreign Loan; Criminal Law; Criminal Act DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/136-01 Publication date:September 30th 2023

    Pendelegasian Wewenang Pembentukan Undang-Undang oleh Undang-Undang

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    There is an unclear formulation in Article 10 paragraph (1) letter b of Act Number 12 of 2011 as amended by Act Number 15 of 2019, that the act can delegate the authority to form acts. This is contrary to Hans Kelsen's theory, namely legal norms accept delegation from norms that are considered valid or have a higher hierarchy, in other words the legal norms contained in the P3 Act cannot get validity. The purpose of this study is related to the main problem, namely conducting a study to find and analyze the delegation of authority to form Acts by Act. The type of research in this legal research is normative juridical research. Normative legal research or doctrinal legal research uses three problem approaches, namely the legal approach, conceptual approach, and comparative approach with the Netherlands and France. Based on the above thinking, the author uses a normative legal research method. In the discussion the author finds that the Act cannot delegate the authority to form Acts, because it is contrary to the principle of lex superior derogat legi inferiori, in the legal politics of delegating the formation of legislation there is also nothing that explains that this can be enforced. These problems include the delegation of authority to form acts by act, causing many polemics, namely the occurrence of overlapping and disharmony of acts with one another, and the occurrence of over-regulation in the acts and regulations in Indonesia

    The Pathway of Adopting Omnibus Law in Indonesia's Legislation: Challenges and Opportunities in Legal Reform

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    The omnibus law model has become a new method of legislative drafting in Indonesia, first applied to the Job Creation Law and later enacted as Law 11/2020. While there were no implicit guidelines in Legislative Drafting Law 12/2011, this adoption was imported from several countries like the United States and Ireland to simplify regulations before the method was subsequently formalized and included in Legislative Drafting Law 13/2022. This paper explored the pathway and dynamics of the omnibus law adoption in Indonesia's law-making procedure and analyzed its further impacts on whether such a method has fruitfully improved the quality of the enacted regulation in establishing a more friendly investment policy. Through doctrinal method, this study showed that the opportunity to apply the omnibus model in Indonesia depends on the effectiveness, success, and benefits of respective regulations. In contrast, the application of the omnibus law model should respect democratic principles and avoid public harm. As shown in three different countries, i.e., Indonesia, the United States, and Canada, public concerns on lack of participation should be taken seriously to hinder undemocratic ends through "democratic" means. Alternatively, accountability of the drafting process should be considered a priority. In summary, the increasing trend of adopting the omnibus model should be first adopted and promulgated through legislative products whose promulgation must be with a formidable law-making procedure